_model: page --- title: info --- _template: info.html --- body: joak is Joseph Oliver Anton Knierzinger and an artist exploring the history and politics of past, present, future and anachronistic media, technology and confusion, as well as the disappering and reappering of them. Humor and irony is an important method in his undertakings. His compositions, devices, games, installations, interventions, instruments, lectures, performances, performance-lectures, scores and software have been shown in academies, artist-run spaces, community centers, festivals, galleries, hackerspaces, museums, radio station, squads, streets, theaters and universities in Austria, Catalonia, Croatia, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Germany, Italy, Kugelmugel, Mongolia, Netherlands, Online, Russia and Slovenia. He taught arts at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and information technology at the TGM Institute of Technology Vienna. He currently teaches prototyping in the [Master of Arts in Fine Art and Design: Experimental Publishing (xpub)](https://xpub.nl/) at the Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam and works on different alogisms and algorithms in Rotterdam and Vienna.